Heart Attack's


好戏分享。Good show for sharing

3 idiots is basically adaption of Chetan Bhagat's bestseller debut novel 5point Someone, thought he is credited in Titles producer says it is an Original story, which for seems impossible because more than 80% of movie is based on book.
The film is Entertaining in parts and Enjoyable , but the moment it deviates from book, it goes overboard,looses it's track. Acting wise Aamir is okay, at age of 45 he is playing a character of 18 year old,he does not bring anything new, producers could have gone for actors around age of 20-25.
Madhavan and Sharman are also okay. Kareena Kapoor is barely there fro 5 scenes and A song.Boman Irani hams it all the wa The songs by Shantanu Moitra is not ear-pleasing, but goes on well with Story.
The Cinematography is Excellent. The first half of the movie passes by soon, the second half drags and drags with an outrageous climax which included delivering Baby with help of Vaccum Cleaner.

三位青年Farhan Qureshi (R. Madhavan)、Raju Rastogi (Sharman Joshi)、 Rancho(Aamir Khan)在印度 著名大学ICE修读工程学。Farhan喜爱的是野外写生照,但父迫他修读工程学;Rastogi则家境穷困及 迷信。而Rastogi是一位聪慧的学生。三位不同家境、性格的青年住在同一间宿舍而成好朋友。更一 同作弄拍老师马屁的同学和固执教授。     故事集歌舞、剧情、爱情于一身,为的是讽刺印度的教育制度,把年青学生迫到自杀问题严重﹑扼杀 年青人的创意﹑以及贫穷问题和社会发达令人与人之间为前途问题而成了奴隶的实况反映出来。故事以高才生Rancho为 主线,他的好朋友Farhan、Rastogi,一位是埋没自己才华去发展无兴趣的工程学;另一位则常求神拜佛 令自己无心读书。这反映印度学生的读书地狱的情况。
    还有一段讲述教授对被逼得自杀的年青学生表现得毫无悔意,以及多场教授的剃须的情景,批评了教育局对学生的惨况的漠视令惨剧发生。而多场的学生嬉戏歌舞场面,与两场学生被校方教授迫至自杀两种 不同的片段融合起来,起了化学作用。把印度的教育制度讽刺过来。
    片中场面充满幽默感,如描写穷学生的家庭、学生对重利的同学及教授的作弄,都是笑中有泪、充满 人情味。结局一段众学生在校救教授女儿生仔更有惊险而不失幽默,表现少年人的创意。

