Heart Attack's


Let's Adopt, give them a HOME! :D


希望护生园的流浪动物领养日来了!! 于2013年1月20号 (星期日) 下午12点至6点在位于TMN SRI PUTRA的JB ANIMAL MEDICAL CLINIC前进行噢!
地址:47, Jalan Putra 1, Taman Sri Putra, 81200 Johor Bahru
联络电话:07-556 4284
Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/388213094599789/

购买一只宠物的花费会介于几千元甚至更多,而且你不能保证您所购买的宠物是100%处于健康的状态。领养的费用介于RM200 - RM350, 这已经包括注射预防针,结扎,驱虫和微晶片。



您不只是领养一只宠物,实际上你是拯救了一个生命。假如您购买宠物,你不只是剥夺了无家可归的流浪动物寻找一个家的机会,你所做的会变相支持这些利用并漠视动物权益而发展起来的蓬勃行业。这些提供于宠物店作为售卖用途小狗和小猫为这些生意人赚取丰厚的利润,所以繁殖宠物业者会尽可能用尽手段在短时间内“生产”出这些小猫小狗。这些动物往往是在健康状况不佳,也由于缺乏人的陪伴社交技巧变得很差。再加上 近亲繁殖的关系会有很多遗传下来的缺陷。



在宠物店出售的动物,往往来自于“小狗或小猫工厂”,他们被安置在拥挤,肮脏和和不卫生的条件下,并且缺乏适当的医药照顾。 我们目前面对着动物过剩的危机,很明显的没有任何宠物繁殖业者是与动物的权利作为考虑条件,并无止境的繁殖动物。每当有人购买宠物,你剥夺了无家可归的流 浪动物寻找一个家的机会。
Why ADOPT rather than BUY?

Come & join us at this coming Pet Adoption Drive at JB Animal Medical Clinic on Sunday, 20th January 2012.
Address: 47, Jalan Putra 1, Taman Sri Putra, 81200 Johor Bahru
Tel: 07-556 4284
Time: 12pm - 6pm
Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/388213094599789/

Buying a pet can easily cost few thousands or more and it would not guarantee that the pet that you purchase is 100% healthy. Adoption costs range from RM200 – RM350 which included vaccination, spaying, deworming and also microchip.

You’re getting more for your money if you get a mixed breed or mongrel. A mixed-breed animal is likely to live longer and cost less in vet bills than a pure breed. Many purebred dogs are prone to developing health problems ranging from breathing difficulties to hip dysplasia to an enlarged heart.

A pet purchased from a pet store is a complete unknown. And, once you walk out of the store, you are on your own – most pet stores don’t provide any support if you have questions or problems with your new pet. When you adopt, especially from a rescue group or animal shelter, you know what you are getting because the group has a history on the animal. The rescue group will also help you through the familiarization period because they will make sure in providing a good home for that animal.

When you adopt a pet, you are saving a life. When you buy a pet, you not only deny a homeless pet a home, you are supporting an industry that thrives on shortchanging the welfare of animals. Puppy and kitten mills (which sell to pet stores) are in business to make a profit, so they churn out puppies and kittens as fast as they can. These animals are often in ill health and have problems like poor socialization skills due to lack of human companionship and genetic defects due to inbreeding.

If you adopt, you get your choice of any age. Though puppies and kittens are cute and cuddly, they can also be a handful. An adult or older pet may be a better “fit” for you. For example, adopting an adult dog who’s already house-trained and knows basic commands is often much easier than adopting a puppy, who must be taught these things.

You will get just as much love, a loyal friend and even a new family member. An adopted pet is every bit as loving, intelligent and loyal, even if you get an adult or older animal.

Animals sold in pet shops often come from "puppy or kitten mills," where they are housed in cramped, filthy, and unhealthy conditions and lack proper veterinary care. And in light of the current animal overpopulation crisis, it's clear that there's no such thing as a responsible breeder. Every time someone purchases a dog or cat from a pet store or breeder, one fewer home is available for an animal desperately waiting in an animal shelter or roaming on the street.

