// 希望笔记由希望护生园志工队所撰写,里面记录了执行拯救任务时所面临的难题,真实情况及解决方案等。谨在此申明希望笔记言论并不代表希望护生园立场 //
他孤单无力的躺着,世界...遗忘他了吗? 走近一看,他的左眼整颗眼珠掉出来了! 右眼蒙着厚厚的一层膜,满身的恶臭散发开来,他虚弱的站了起来,但又软弱的倒了下去。仅仅花了5分钟时间义工就把他抱上车疾奔兽医诊所。因为诊所就要在40分钟后关门了!
赶在诊所关门的前10分钟我们终于赶上了.....! 进过紧急治疗及检查,狗狗的双眼都瞎了..左眼珠是因为被其他狗儿咬而造成的伤口压力导致整颗眼珠掉出来悬挂在眼眶上,多么可怕的伤口! 而脸上及身体也到处布满着伤口。
这 是一只上了年纪的狗狗..我们不知道他在外苟延残存了多久...看着他,让我们想起了另一只全盲的狗狗...全盲的狗狗是绝对不能在希望护生园的环境下生 活的,他们需要居住在安全性高的住家环境,接受格外细心的照料,曾经希望护生园也拯救过一只全盲,且在晚年时完全不能行走的博美犬,她是被人抛弃在路上 的。这只博美犬叫金猪,在两个月前已经带着满满的爱意安详离世...
我们将这只狗狗命名为Helios, 这是希腊神话中太阳神的名字。虽然他不再看得见这个世界的光明,但我们愿他像个太阳,永远都散发着活力及生命力! 也请记得那句话,盲了的狗狗是用心看这个世界,感觉这个世界,而不是用眼看...
/// 我们在此想特别感激看珍的Dr.Lee及工作人员, 愿意在放工时间后留下来替Helios做紧急护理,谢谢!!!! ///
Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Account number: 5012-0808-5710
<Has the world turned and left me here?>
Dog rescue, a race against time:
On the evening of 22/6/2011, the volunteers from HOPE received report of an injured dog lying at the shoulder of a busy road. Volunteers rushed down to the place with wings on their feet and spotted a dog lying on the roadside, simply too weak to move. Cars whizzed by, but no one stopped to help. There are a few pubs nearby; people are having fun under the glitzy light, flashing neon and alcohols. But their merriment doesn't come around us…
It was a heart-wrenching sight; the left eyeball of the dog fell out of socket! And a thick layer of ropy mucus covers the popping out right eyeball! He tried standing up fighting for life but he can't do it with his weak and skinny body. Not to waste time, the volunteers quickly lift him up to the car and rushed to the animal clinic as the clinic will be closing in 40mins time.
The team managed to reach just 10 mins before closing! After series of emergency treatment and examination, it is confirmed that both eyes of the dog are blind. The biting of other dogs on the face and eye area caused the left eyeball to be pushed out of its socket. Scars covered the face and entire body of the dog.
This is an old dog, which we don’t know how long he has been wandering the streets and fending for himself. Looking at him reminds us of another blind dog that we have saved last time. Blind dog is unable to live in HOPE’s shelter; he needs a safe environment and extra care for a quality life. HOPE did rescue an abandoned, old-aged Pomeranian from the roadside before. She is blind and with mobility problems. This little sweetheart with the name of Piggy has crossed the rainbow bridge on April 2011. She has been living with HOPE’s person-in-charge, under her unconditional love and cares until the very last breath.
We named this dog “Helios”, the personification of the sun in Greek mythology. Although he has lost his eyesight and no longer able to see the light of this world but we believe that he can shine like a sun and live his life with pride! Also remember the saying “blind dogs see with their heart not their eyes”.
/// We would like to express our gratitude to Dr.Lee and the staff in the vet clinic who were willing to stay back after the working time to have emergency treatment to Helios, thank you!!!! ///
To contribute for Helios's medical fees:
Persatuan Perlindungan dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai.
Account number: 5012-0808-5710
Thank you for your kind generosity!!