Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.
Heart Attack's
曾聽一位朋友感概道,情願依賴男朋友也不依賴朋友,朋友多是非多,勾心鬥角。我說,怎麼可以這麼說啊!很疑惑。我說朋友才是一輩子的,男朋友也會拋棄自己啊!21世紀,有多少男人不變心?而如今,我才發覺他未嘗不是也有道理。果然,好朋友不如好情人,我把它換成『A good lover is better than a good friend.』
自此以後,我學習沉默、學習平靜,從以前的『學習站在圈圈外面看世界』到後來的『當個啞子』...我看透很多,儘管朋友來逗我,找我吵架什麼的,我都不想再多說些什麼。我看人,真的看得很透。 不要說爆粗,連話,我都懶的說。突然有種想要離開的感受,不想和人太熟絡。我累了。就算是路易斯,我也想放棄。
依靠... ...我從來都沒有遇見可以依靠的人。
Silence doesn't mean i don't concerned it.
『 Don't believe what your eyes telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding.——Richard Bach 』
Gosh, i was BLUE today. Too much BLACK all around me :(
I always took life just seriously, but when all the bad things are constantly came to me and everything is out of control, i had only realize that im not enough mature, im still NAIVE and FRIVOLOUS. Dear FRIENDS, sometimes we are all so ignorant, we ought to knew that Knowledge and virtue is the different things.
Is that as we grow up will become loneliness? everyone as the same? Someone said that, life comes with no guarantees, no times out, no second chances. We will never knew what about our future, so why don't you guys just understanding? is that difficult to do? WAKE UP !! Cherish it before it becomes to injury. Wound are ever couldn't be rubbed.
Once upon a time i thought we could be forever innocence , just like a kid.
Cry out loud, when we were sad, even if have people there, just cry like a kid, like a kid when fell down. Laugh out loud, when we were happy, even if just a candy or little present or something like that, we are who we are, just LAUGH. Because of we are just a kid, so we can do what we want to do and no one would blamed us.
Nothing is lasts forever, all of us must independent when we as grow up, there is no reason to said "NO". But now, am totally tired at all, whatever friendship or love. Those unnecessary war is killing me in gradually. I wish to scream out loud that WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WORLD? Everything became not simply. PEOPLE, somebody came to me and teach me the best way to solve problem? i have no idea at all, my brain is empty now :(
*Don't tease me because of my english was not in totally correct. I will try my best to learned and used, i will sucessfully some day. :x *
『 When I was a kid, I didn't have a laptop, iPod, Blackberry , PS3, Wifi or iPads. I played outside with friends, bruised my knees, made up stories and played hide and seek. I ate what my mom made. I would think twice before I said "no" to my parents. Life wasn't hard, it was good & I survived. Kids these days are spoiled. Re-post this if you appreciate the way you were raised. I think we were happier kids! —— copyright from internet 』
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