Heart Attack's



最近朋友介绍阿妹的这首“爱情血腥故事”,好喜欢!所以故事开始前分享一下。 :)


好久好久以前,左边的一颗大牙痛得我... ...痛不欲生,食不下咽,辗转难眠...


政府牙医随便在我的嘴里看看上看看下,也没说什么,所以我就自动自发说了我的事情经过,她说可以做,等电话咯!有了位子给你就替你做预约。我本来就是个没耐性的人,所以我就问了要等多久,她说她也不清楚,快的话一年半载,慢的话... ...


一位在马六甲政府医院做牙医的朋友劝我先去Orthodontist specialist检查比较好。所以我就预约了一家位于Berjaya Time Square的牙医诊所做免费咨询——(WhiteSmile Orthodontic Dental Braces Clinic)。
不得不称赞一下,这位Dr. Reuben牙医真的态度好好,手势温柔、文质彬彬、耐性也不厌其烦地和我解释。
专科嘛!费用肯定让人眼前一亮,但好在都是可以分期付款的。但打工一族的我还是尝试央求牙医有没有可负担的计划,牙医就问我今年多大?可能看在我还是学生年纪所以就给了我学生价钱,但那还是我负担不起的... ...
左边的大牙不是说拔了对吗?所已遗留了一个很大的空位。Dr. Reuben说我上排牙齿无需拔牙,下排牙齿他也可以尽量帮我把遗留的缝隙缩小或完全闭合,可是需要很多时间的耐性。

上一段不是说了负担不起吗?所以后来就去到我家附近的Ong Dental做了牙齿矫正。



上个星期六做了牙模和X-Ray,牙医什么都没说就懵懵懂懂的被“推”了出手术室,然后柜台的护士小姐替我做了Coming monday的预约做绑牙。

其实我准备了差不多一页的问题要问,毕竟这对我来说是大事。结果牙医就很粗略又迅速告诉了我的情况。他说无法替我闭合那个遗留的空隙,而且要拔三颗牙,而且不能拔掉右变的大牙,因为人的大牙占了八十八仙的咬力,我已经没了一颗,再没了这颗就... ...
Okay, fine, it just mean that i have to Root Canal Treatment and Braces at the same time... 有得选吗?没,所以只好顺从。


牙医替我粗略的洗了牙之后就帮我把brackets粘在牙齿上。然后让护士小姐替我把wires放进去... ...等一个不知道多久牙医又回来了,帮我做根管治疗。他在帮我打了麻醉药后立刻在我的大牙砖洞、放药、填补之类的... 



人们说绑的时候不痛,几小时后就会很痛。回到家后,我一直在等,等那个痛觉,可是等着等着我就睡着了,醒来的时候感觉...咦?不是说会很痛很紧?为什么我没感觉... 除了无力感,吃不了硬食之外,一切都还好。

第二天,第三天... ... 除了我的嘴里都被Brackets磨出了ulcer,嘴唇很干之外,其实都还好,我还能习惯,不算痛不欲生。只是身为吃货的我因为无法食用美食而觉得很难过。


  • 要做牙冠不然咬到硬的东西会龟裂
  • 因为牙神经已死,得不到血液和营养的牙齿迟早会牙脚松了而脱落
  • 如果选择做牙冠,必须把两侧的牙齿磨小一些,但磨小的牙齿会因为没了保护膜,在不久的将来被细菌侵蚀


  • 开始之前,我又一次问了牙医可否不拔牙?能不能几个月后再决定?他说,如果我坚持,可以,可是不要等太久,不能到时候牙齿稳固了,就很难再移位了。除非我不介意整排牙齿歪一边去...
  • 我又问,我做了资料搜索,做了RCT的牙齿迟早都是会掉是吗?他说不一定...
  • 我又问,真的无法闭合那个空隙吗?他不耐烦地说,或许可以,Maybe 10 years time? ....
然后牙医的身体语言又告诉我“你问完了吗?你是做还是不做?我很忙!没看到外面还有很多Patient吗?”然后又非常迅速地不知道对我的牙齿做了什么,痛得我"La埋一Gao"... 也做了根管治疗。然后牙医走一边去,护士也陆续走了,然后叫我起来,也没告诉我已经完成了。

我真心无语... 就算是便宜或者你忙,对于一个病人来说是不是应该更尽职一些,尝试解释一些什么?至少事前告诉我今天我们要进行什么吧?
去到柜台付钱才知道原来刚刚牙医替我塞了rubber band在三个位置(分别是,左上角、右上角还有左下角),但没人告诉我它的用途。只好回家后再上网找资料。

到家了,午睡起来,发觉左上角的rubber band不见了然后感觉有异物在嘴里,吐出来原来是rubber band!那另外一个呢?!显而易见,应该是睡觉的时候不小心吞了... 晚上刷牙的时候,刷着刷着,有掉了一个出来。打电话到诊所,护士小姐说是小事,下次回来拔牙的时候再叫一声牙医再放就好了,我再三确认不需要到回来吗?她说不需要,因为拔牙一次只拔一边,到时候可以再放橡胶圈。

现在,这种时候,我那颗该死的大牙还是一直隐隐作痛,害我头痛欲裂。除了这种痛,不能随心进食的痛让我很想放弃...可是Ta告诉我:"Every action has a consequence, After the struggle comes the reward. You will have to suffer first in order to get the benefit. Don't give up." 

故事就先分享到这里吧!迟点会尝试再更新。晚安 <3


This is our break up song

By the grace of your lips
I have long searched happiness
And the love in our hearts
Shone away through the dark

But lately, lately, lately, lately I
Have felt an overwhelming need to cry
And maybe, maybe, maybe we can try
To make it right, oh, to make it right

This is our break up song,
But Can't we just get along
For the night?
Not a fight,
One last goodbye
But just a moment,
Let me hope and,
Baby, hold back, all the things we haven't said
Make love like we just met

By the way that you kiss,
I know it's over, yeah, all of this
And the one world, that we knew
Has broken in two

'Cause lately, lately, lately, lately I
Have felt again a change I can't deny
And, baby, baby, baby, if we try
We make it right, yeah, we make it right

This is our break up song,
But can't we just get along
For the night?
Not a fight,
One last goodbye
But just a moment
Let me hope and,
Baby, hold back all the things we haven't said
Make love like we just met

Oh, I'm gonna miss the way you held me in the morning
I'm gonna miss the future that we planned
The way we fought, the way we kissed
The heat inside, the tenderness
Love was our religion

This is our break up song,
But can't we just get along
For the night
In spite
Of the hurt we hide?
For old time's sake
Won't you just take
Me by the waist
Hold me underneath the sheets
Make love like our first week

This is our break up song
Can't we just get along
For the night?
Not a fight,
One last goodbye
But just a moment
Let me hope and,
Baby, hold back all the things we haven't said
Make love like we just met


The Cove

The Cove is a 2009 documentary film that analyzes and questions dolphin hunting practices in Japan. It was awarded the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2010. The film is a call to action to halt mass dolphin kills, change Japanese fishing practices, and to inform and educate the public about the risks, and increasing hazard, of mercury poisoning from dolphin meat. The film is told from an ocean conservationist's point of view. The film highlights the fact that the number of dolphins killed in the Taiji dolphin drive hunting is several times greater than the number of whales killed in the Antarctic, and claims that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year by the country's whaling industry. The migrating dolphins are herded into a cove where they are netted and killed by means of spears and knives over the side of small fishing boats. The film argues that dolphin hunting as practiced in Japan is unnecessary and cruel.

Since the film's release, The Cove has drawn controversy over neutrality, secret filming, and its portrayal of the Japanese people.

The film was directed by former National Geographic photographer Louie Psihoyos. Portions were filmed secretly during 2007 using underwater microphones and high-definition cameras disguised as rocks.

The documentary won the U.S. Audience Award at the 25th annual Sundance Film Festival in January 2009. It was selected out of the 879 submissions in the category.

Save Japan Dolphin. An Earth Island Institute Project:

OPS: Inspiring people to Save the Ocean:


I'm Back !

Have been months didn't update my blog since July. So, here i am.
You will never know how stress is reality until you start working. lol. I am now working as a customer service personnel, It's really a big challenge for me, according to "Customers are always right" i have deeply feelings about it. #Especially for Malaysian#. I have become so stress, upset even emotional keeps changing like the weather... but i'm glad i have managed control myself now. I learnt a lot from my work and also go through a lot of things that i never know before. Anyways, time flies isn't it?  December is coming soon and then Chinese New Year. Don't you guys think it's time to plan "what to do" & "something to achieve" on 2014?
# And guess what? I just celebrated our first anniversary with my Loved One <3 #

(my first anniversary's present :DDDDD)

*Here, a post want to share with you guys also i wish i could do that for my love.
Here are 49 Things That Girls Should Know About Guys. Read them carefully because these things can help you improve your relationships.

1. Guys aren’t psychiatrists, mind telling them what you mean?

2. Guys don’t like to be used as pawns in trying to make your friends jealous.

3. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. Better watch out girls.

4. The biggest turn on for guys are the girls who workout.

5. Girls who don’t want to listen to the truth shouldn’t be asking any questions.

6. Ending a heated conversation with “Fine” or “Whatever” isn’t considered acceptable.

7. If you want sex, just ask.

8. Don’t expect guys to say as many sweet things as they do in the movies. It takes 10couples to come up with one sweet thing that they put up in the movies.

9. Only models are able to carry off most of the stuff you see in fashion magazines.

10. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

11. A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.

12. Guys need to be reassured often that they’re still loved.

13. Guys don’t care about how gorgeous you are, it’s goodbye, adios, and sayonara if you’re being a bitch.

14. All guys are kinky and willing to try anything that you may enjoy, just let them know.

15. Guys are more emotional than you think. If they loved you at one point, it’ll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

16. A guy would do just about anything to get you to notice him.

17. Guys do not look into minute detailing. So, if you gave up a quarter of an inch from your 20 inches long hair, don’t expect your guy to know that instantly.

18. Guys like porn!

19. Anything said six months ago is inadmissible in an argument. All comments become null and void after seven days.

20. “The game is on” will be considered an acceptable excuse to postpone any serious conversations.

21. Cooking makes a girl all the more attractive.

22. You can’t get mad if your guy refuses to hook up your “ugly friend” with one of his good-looking friends.

23. Nothing you will ever do will entitle you to operate the remote control, unless operating means handing it to him.

24. The only thing left to be said after sex is “goodnight.”

25. Video games have helped men develop awesome finger skills that only encourage them to play more often.

26. Critiquing a man’s driving is outright unacceptable.

27. Guys’ night outs are sacred events. If you ask any question about it, you’ll be castigated.

28. Believe it or not, 99.5% of the time men honestly don’t mean to hurt you.

29. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

30. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.

31. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice.

32. Don’t hold it against your guy if he starts to cry after a good sports movie, and was laughing outrageously last night when the two of you were watching an emotional drama saga.

33. Leaving a message like “You know what?! Mmm… Never mind…” would make a guy hanging on to that thought all day long and reach a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. Don’t ever do that!

34. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

35. Guys love you more than you love them.

36. No matter how much guys talk about hotness or sex appeal, personality is key.

37. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.

38. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn’t happen that often, so when it does, you know something’s up.

39. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

40. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.

41. You like when your guy calls and asks you out for dinner and pays for you, right? Well yeah, guys like it once in a while too.

42. It’s natural for a guy’s eyes to wander.

43. It’s not that guys don’t want to make their girlfriends happy; it’s just that sometimes, they don’t know how.

44. A guy would give his right arm to be able to read a girl’s mind for a day.

45. Not all guys are jerks. Just because one is a jackass doesn’t mean he represents all of them.

46. When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he isn’t doing it all for sex. It means he likes you more than you can imagine.

47. Even if you dumped a guy months ago and he loved you, he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be to have you back in his life.

48. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.

49. A guy would waste his time over video games and football, the way a girl would do over novels and make-ups.

And another… 50th Thing Guys Wish Girls Knew was suggested is from my friend.
50. Don’t ever expect guys to put the toilet seat down; it’s not in their DNA!















我们都不是富有人家所以两球costs20多块的雪糕对我们来说绝不便宜 lol


Game started.




1. 本届选举的政府,表面上是赢了,但是因为这是他们在【三不】操纵出来的结果(不公平、不公正、不公开),加上空运外劳、贿赂选票、停电补票等等,千千万万个选民自发性将他们的犯罪证据拍了下来,这些证据出现在多个不同的地方、不同的人身上,所以一条一条帐来算的话,这个政府的合法性,根本是有待质疑的!理论上是赢了,实际上是否真的合法?还是有待斟酌的。

2. 人民不支持的政府,能够运作下去吗?大家都不配合的话,政府如何运作下去?政府要人们往东,你偏偏往西;政府要人们往西,你偏偏往东,这政府能运作得下去吗?人民不配合,政府是运做不下去的,这是硬道理。

3. 国际社会不认可的政权,除非你能够做到闭关锁国,好像朝鲜一样自立门户,完全靠自己,不跟其他国家往来,否则这个政权是混不下去的。毕竟,在马来西亚国阵是老大,没错,但是来到国际社会,他也只是小弟而已,好像美国、英国、法国、中国这些才是大哥哥,没错吧?如果国际上的大哥哥,都不承认你这个政权,你要如何运作下去呢?你要进口,他们不卖给你;你要出口,他们不买你的,你混得下去吗?


1. 假设安华不是笨蛋
2. 假设安华在国际社会有些人脉、朋友
3. 假设本届马来西亚大选的不靠谱性已经到了全世界都在关注的地步









开始疯传这则信息吧,让我们一条一条挽回那些奄奄一息的灵魂,帮他们找回力量,然后我们重新凝聚在一起,坚定力挺安华,继续我们的 Ubah 大业!

Letters to Transparency International and United Nations about Fraud Voting Incident.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are the citizens of Malaysia, and hereby we report onthe current pre-election situation to every one of the world. First andforemost, election is a democratic practice; it symbolizes the fair distributionof power which the Constitutional guarantees, hence allowing us to makedecisions about a country’s future and policies. This includes deciding thecountry’s ruling party, the members of parliament and by extension any possibleamendments to Constitution.

As many of you are aware, most democratic countriesare progressive and have advanced civil awareness. Citizens form their socialnorms, collective decisions and common responsibilities through their combinedvoices. They choose their governments according to their own volition through theballot box. Men are born with free will and rationality; we believe that menwill make decisions based on a rational weighing of the benefits to themajority. However, respect and an upholding of rights are also conferred to theminorities as guaranteed under the Constitution, thus ensuring that the socialstability can be assured and upheld. An awareness of the Constitution and its statuesare crucial to the development of civil society, because only one will carry one’sduties well only after clearing understanding one’s rights.

While most democratic countries have upheld theprinciples of democracy, the unpleasant reality is that not all have.Corruption threatens and impinges upon the democratic process, leading to thecollapse of civilized society. Through this letter, we would like to report severaluntoward incidents that have plagued the lead up to the 13thMalaysian General Election.

As of lately, we have observed many foreigners beingimported into Malaysia. These foreigners are enter presumably as workers and areescorted by police officials. The arrivals of these foreigners are have arousedsuspicions as their clothing (shirts and caps) are adorned the logo of BarisanNasional, the current ruling party. Besides that, there are undisputed andaffirmative news reports that these foreigners possess the Malaysian CitizenIdentity Card, which is legally speaking, impossible based on our constitution.Our constitution has strict requirements for immigration applications, and thenormal process takes years for citizenship to be granted. How can these foreignersobtain Malaysian citizenship, just within few days?

Meanwhile, most of these foreigners have been observedto be Bangladeshis, whereby they are employed in Bangladesh and sent toMalaysia for labor purposes. Butunfortunately, these Bangladeshis have obtained Identity Cards illegally and preparingto commit fraud in the voting by supporting Barisan Nasional in the forthcomingGeneral Election. This is contravenes a serious diplomatic taboo under which nocountry is allowed to interfere in another country’s local politics. This is a perversionof a country’s sovereignty and independence. We are requesting international solidarityin condemning these incidents in order to exert pressure on the Commissioner ofGeneral Election to ensure the forthcoming election is cleaner and moretransparent. Our voices are expressed through the petition “Stop your peopleintervene our local politics!” (http://www.causes.com/actions/1749459-stop-your-people-intervene-our-local-politics).Currently more than 15,000 Malaysians have expressed their objection anddissatisfaction through this petition.

Furthermore, the outflow Bangladeshi workers aremanaged by the Ministry ofExpatriates, Welfare and Overseas Employment, which underthe direct purview of the Cabinet of Bangladesh. Therefore, we are making anofficial inquiry to the relevant Ministry with regards to their role, or not,in permitting these workers to be involved in overt political interference. Werequest for a coherent and timely response. Otherwise, we will assume thatCabinet of Bangladesh acquiesces to this incident, and we will request forfurther international action to be taken against the Cabinet of Bangladesh.

We also request a formal response with regards toallegations that the Ministry has received illicit payments from BarisanNasional in order to send such huge numbers of Bangladeshi workers. As acorollary, we also request Transparency International to provide necessaryassistance for further the investigation.

We hope that the Ministry remains alert and aware ofany worker departure approvals since we hope that Bangladeshis do not becomemercenaries become involved in illegal activities that contravene Bangladeshilabor export policy.

Concluding this letter, but not the least, we hope forinternational support to make our Malaysian general election clean and moretransparent through increased vigilance. Eternal vigilance is the price ofliberty.

Thank you.

Charissa with concerned Malaysians



在全球熱映的<少年pi的奇幻漂流>這部影片是目前看到商業片中最有教育意義的影片,太棒了! 這個社會太需要這類的電影劇本了,為此,寫了一些觀後感供大眾交流、參考。


1. 素食是動物保護的行為,是愛心的體現,是健康的保證(茹素方面):
PI的媽媽是一位嚴格的素食者,也是一位植物學家 (這一點證明素食者擁有的智慧足以令人可以成為某一方面的佼佼者)

由於PI的媽媽是一位嚴格的素食者,所以PI 是一個胎裡素的嚴格素食者

幼年時期的PI被同學和老師欺負,但善於思考的他用了一個暑假的時間將圓周率 1415926……準確的背誦了整整幾塊黑板的數字……

(從在媽媽肚子裏開始就不曾接觸過肉食的pi ,一點也沒有營養不良)

當pi 無奈的被推入救生艇,在漂流了227天的過程中,他應付風浪,與動物搏鬥等等,pi展現出來的體力和耐力是顯而易見的,是不容回避的話題


(影片表明: 素食者有著強烈的動物保護意識,不忍殺害任何動物朋友)

有對自己殺戮行為的懺悔,有對這條魚的感恩,有對信仰的敬畏,又有對現實的無奈……PI 最終選擇用斧頭的背部(而不是用斧刃)結束了這條魚的生命……
(表明: 素食者擁有對待生命的慈悲心和戒殺護生的愛心)

饑餓難耐的PI 和老虎在漂流時遇到了食人島,在艱難爬下船後當即就在地上吃起了草皮,並同時挖出了類似塊莖類的食物食用,而沒有像老虎那樣去吃狐獴


2. PI在孩童時期就選擇了三種宗教作為他的信仰,媽媽也支持他,正因為信仰,可以讓他知道珍惜生命,珍惜生活,懂得感恩!懂得懺悔!

3. 遇到與同學和老師的關係惡化且被欺淩時,小小年紀的PI沒有選擇消極或用暴力去解決問題,影片中的PI發奮學習,睿智的選擇令人折服

4. 從小在動物園長大的pi 懂得動物是他的朋友,人類不應該去傷害動物的道理

5. 在海上漂流的日子裡,斑馬、猴子的死去都令他非常的難過,而他與老虎的接觸則最能讓我們看到他對動物的那種愛,正因為他沒有放棄老虎的生命,這227天裡有了老虎的陪伴,才減少了孤獨恐懼,這是真正的因果法則啊!

6.信仰讓pi 的精神獲得支撐,能夠得以在海上不畏風暴的長期生活,能夠讓pi信心堅定的從食人島上離開,事實證明他是對的

7. 影片中有多處反映出事事無常的觀點: 一家人帶著動物們去加拿大定居的計畫很好,但被一場暴風雨瞬間奪去了爸爸、媽媽和哥哥的生命......還有救生船上的補給品、淡水、食品等等也是瞬間的滅失掉了……在堅持前行中,在最絕望的時候,竟然會遇上物產豐富的小島,絕境中關鍵的物資補給,也是令人備感意外!

8. 當然對孩童時代的pi而言,多多學習知識,學習本領,對一切事物都抱有著好奇心,愛思考,存愛心,常懷求知欲等等,這樣種種的好習慣最終都會回饋在他227天的漂流過程中……

原文網址:suiis素易 討論http://www.suiis.com/forum/Article.asp?no=224401#ixzz2PYVmvlDz








Green Monday主張大家每周一天素食,不止是生活喜好的轉變,而是切實有這樣的必要。其實大熊貓原來三百萬年前也是吃肉的動物,但隨著棲息環境的轉變,牠們也棄紅go green,以竹維生,變成今天深綠的素食動物。


今天星期一讓我們一起Green Monday吧!!